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17th November 2021 / 0


Bury Council – Case Study

I was one of the lead members of a project group within Bury Council, which was tasked to integrate over 350 staff from a range of services including Parks and Countryside, Leisure Centres and Civic Venues to increase the Council’s wellness offering and to increase the uptake of wellness activities to people who would not normally engage with activities.


As part of this mammoth culture change and to align leadership priorities from a variety of differing services, we asked Mike to help us with this change through leadership and management training and development as well as offering senior leaders coaching sessions. Firstly, can I state that the quality and content of the training courses and seminars were excellent.


We had over 40 senior staff attend a range of training sessions over an 18-month period to discuss leadership styles, look at performance management, communication and increase collaborative
working. The delivery of each session was received incredibly positively and the feedback we received from the teams after every session was exceptionally good with most advising that the tone and pitch of the sessions were just right.


We are still seeing the positive effect of the training sessions across the services, with all the staff and services still working very closely even within the global pandemic. I have recently taken on a new role within Bury Council as Head of Commercial Services. As we are a new group of services and I wish to replicate the results of previous integration, I have once again asked Mike to support culture change with management and leadership training as I am fully confident that the training he offers will impact on the services in a positive way.


David Caterall, Head of Commercial Services

Bury Council

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