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Back to Testimonials

13th March 2017 / 0


“Their style is engaging, challenging and fun”

“We’ve built a solid working relationship with the team at Potential Unearthed, with whom we’ve worked for over 7 years. Potential Unearthed always take time to understand the challenges that our organisation faces and always take great care in establishing our specific development needs, before creating bespoke courses and programmes that are completely relevant to us.  Their delivery style is engaging and challenging, with a balance of fun to really engage with our people.


Feedback that we receive internally from attendees indicates that they create a safe and relaxed environment for learning, where employees feel comfortable sharing their experiences. On this basis, I would have no hesitation with recommending Potential Unearthed as a credible and reliable Training Provider.”


Karen Lane; HR and OD Consultant
Chorley Council

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